For those who do not wish to receive the book "Two years of government" of Prime Minister and argue that this income should be better spent, I'll read the email I sent to the following government site:
the undersigned, Giuseppe D'Urso, who lives in Catania ................. , referring to the announcement of the Prime Minister Mr Silvio Berlusconi to send to every Italian family the book "Two years of government"
hereby inform you that we will absolutely NOT want to receive it, being in my right according to D. Decree 196/03 for the protection of privacy and its Presidential Decree 501/1998, in this case Article 13 paragraph e) and that expenditure that is spared, be made available to the Ministry of Education and / or the Ministry of Health.
Thank you for your attention with this I offer
Catania, October 25, 2010
In witness
Giuseppe D'Urso
who want to improve fate of these sums of money spent unnecessarily can benefit from it if it thinks fit .
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania
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