Friday, October 15, 2010


The items may weigh, but you are also paying with their lives.

"Hiding the truth is interesting to conceal a crime, means and therefore be complicit in the crime."
Giuseppe Fava, Sicilian journalist, killed by the Mafia.

Giuseppe Fava, 5 January 1984 journalist killed by the Mafia in Catania, in 1982 founded the Sicilian , A monthly magazine that rebels in Catania, city of the monopoly of local business to committees that control the city and also interact with the political powers of Rome and the northern unscrupulous entrepreneurs.

In the July 1983 signing Fava a long article, entitled "The 10 most powerful of Sicily, where they reviewed the 10 powerful men of Sicily through the five essential components that characterize the events of power and that the journalist finds the money in the authority of the State, the power of politics, popularity and talent.

"In our society - supports Fava thinking and looking at the Italian company from Catania - commands especially those who have the ability to persuade. Persuaded to do things: buy a car instead of another, a dress, a food, perfume, smoke or not smoke, vote for a party, to buy and read those books. Controls especially those who have the ability to convince those people to have such thoughts about the world and that these ideas about life. "

The command is therefore persuasive to do to change thoughts and behaviors opinion public and thus outlined in this society made up of teleconsumatori " the owner is the person who hands in the media, who owns or can use the tools of information, television, radio, newspapers, for you to tell you something and fifty thousand, five hundred thousand or five million people listen to you, and eventually you will have begun to change the thoughts of them, and so changing people's thoughts, day after day, month after month, you'll create public opinion which broods , is moved, s'incazza, rebels, changing itself and inevitably changes the society within which he lives. In the best or the worst! "

Giuseppe Fava knew the indictment of new fascism that Pasolini had launched the market power held by television, not as clearly understood " technical means, but as an instrument of power and power itself .

Pasolini This indictment was written and published by Corriere della Sera in December 1973 and put in the dock as the RAI Television is the single monopolist. After a while the TV would begin to rise and proliferation of private local radio stations free, phenomena that Pasolini would not be able to see and study arise because it was brutally murdered before.

Giuseppe Fava witnessed these " struggles of individuals or groups to claim absolute freedom of information and critical independence " nurtured and undoubtedly a cautious confidence in the possibility of releasing the information from the main beam while aware that "the rule is always to , namely, that the cars belong to the owner of the information, and thus thoughts and ideas of those who use the machines to notify the company, must be those of the masters. "

The theme of the power of information" magnified by the inability opposition, can gracefully manage even the good fortune of others, facilitate or thwart the major economic powers, to hinder or promote the accumulation of wealth, determine the allocation of public funds, the growth or decline of a politician, drowsiness or rebellion a great court. "

" Sometimes - and we who live in society produced by Berlusconi neocivilizzazione know very well - just omit one news and a financial empire grows to ten billion, or an evil character who is expected to disappear wave, or a scandal that is about to burst is sucked to the bottom. "

autumn 1979 Fininvest holding company formed by 23 and as President, was appointed by the Board of Directors Silvio Berlusconi, had resulted in a number of companies" television "which Publiitalia Ltd, Network Italy srl, Cofin spa and Channel 5 srl, a company letterhead to a nominee which is awarded ownership of Telemilano, TV condominium created by Silvio Berlusconi in September 1974 that it starts transmitting the new Channel 5 logo.

"The advent of private television stations, thus multiplying the sources of information, seemed had upset the old power structures, leading to a chaotic evolution of febrile popular knowledge "and in fact began a proliferation of initiatives throughout the peninsula, however, while retaining their limited scope for local law that had the opportunity to inform and investigate the area more.

But the plan of revival that ran Silvio Berlusconi could not be stopped by a law and two rulings of the Constitutional Court to which the distribution at the national level, which is prohibited by law, was circumvented by recording cassettes containing also advertising space to broadcast that were hand-delivered to broadcasters who entered orbit of the nascent network, thus circumventing the prohibition on broadcasting over the air.

What was supposed to be a movement of freedom of information and breaking the monolithic RAI information is reduced to a proliferation of smart with the publisher Rusconi in January 1982 he founded the Network of 18 TV stations called Italy a " simultaneously publisher Mondadori created the television network that "Channel 4" consisting of 23 broadcasters.

In Rusconi After a year had already sold to Silvio Berlusconi's network "Italy 1" and a few months after the death of Fava also gave Mondadori "Channel 4" on Silvio Berlusconi that could give triumphant start to the demolition of the culture, values \u200b\u200band behavior of millions of Italians, " the instrument is first decayed to simple and often squalid spectacle, and finally, with the arrival of net-work has also been delivered the hands of the traditional owners of the information. "

And these masters of information are represented by the" great northern capital "beginning to appear for several months in the publishing and television in Sicily while Fava writes the complaint. He could not escape to the Fava Fininvest had become a shareholder with the share of 4.71% of the shares of the only newspaper of today's most powerful time when Joseph Fava.

" What could be a great technical revolution and civil, that is a true seizure of power by a journalism understood in the highest sense of the word and moral, has resulted in a further cultural colonization. "

And in his own words we read all the disappointment of a man, a Sicilian, a journalist who sees the last illusion vanish and from there a few months will pay with their lives, by the mafia, his constant complaints to the sinister intrigues of political-business-mafia committee.

Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania.


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