Punctual like every year, as the old theater companies in and around the circus, here's yet another replica of the pantomime of the false attacks.
Last year we was served and represented the scene of the flight dell'ambrogino; changes this year lead actor but the plot is always the same.
We should believe in those circumstances that the escort services are composed of persons to be defined least inept and unfit for purpose.
Lower Sultan would then be escorted by a bunch of idiots who, as the person affected to be protected, rather than away as quickly as possible from the place of the threat, they hold a rally from the footboard of the car.
journalist Belpietro instead entrust their safety to men who bet against seeing a gun (to be financed by a man dressed: shirt and suit!) Rather than perform an act of natural self-defense, firing into the air to frighten the attacker!
of two things: either we are playing with fire, someone likes to cry wolf! and these responsibilities should be investigated and punished, or here is to accredit the classic story by now hackneyed that you can not criticize Berlusconi and his cronies because otherwise incite minds diseased and dangerous.
For me it's just another farce in Arcore sauce.
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania
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