In the system of the Cold War structure power revolved mainly around the nation-state balance was maintained by the tension that develops between these two nation-states Super with individual states that were most vulnerable to these super-powers attracted to their sphere of influence, such as iron filings are attracted to so sudden and relentless by a powerful magnet.
The system of globalization revolves around three balances that overlap and influence each other.
The traditional relationship of balance of power between nation-states , after the dissolution of the Soviet empire, was shocked and now the global landscape is dominated by one superpower: the United States: they are precisely to exercise without previous role as a nation-state opposite, but still a lot of moving pieces on the chessboard global balance of power, the United States did not move all.
The monopoly of the great super-powers (or rather more correctly the "duopoly") was cracked by the emergence of equilibria in the system of a new entity represented by those global markets, made up of millions of investors who move money around the world with the click of a mouse. This vast and varied universe of investors, which Friedman calls electronic herd, like maybe meeting some of the world's major financial centers such as Wall Street, London, Hong Kong, Frankfurt and others, from our super-markets defined It is in these temples that officiate the rites of finance and decide the fate of economic enterprises, individuals and entire nations and the network allows everyone to be a spectator when not involved in this "edifying spectacle" where men and things dissolved in numbers in a geographical place and materialize into wealth or poverty elsewhere in the world.
To better understand the game that comes to balance established between the two elements ( nation-states and super-markets ) just think that at the time of the cold war to overthrow the government of a country necessary, by the superpowers, submerge bombs, just as today, by super-markets lower rating of that country to cause problems, and possibly overthrow the government.
Finally, there is a third center of balance that must necessarily be sought from the previous two and that has enjoyed little, even if qualified, however, that journalism was not enough to reach the imaginary and collective knowledge, probably because they are stakeholders, before globalization, unknown in these clothes, and even thought that with an enormous power and capacity of intervention: the individuals super - powerful .
These individuals, who may be wonderful people, or terribly angry, very distant from us geographically and culturally or extremely close through the network now have an extraordinary power that allows them to communicate over long distances or to speak in a different way also with the same neighbor with which it could communicate verbally, to obtain any instrument in any market in the world need not cost more prohibitive and lead, with just a tool of satellite positioning, as until not long ago saw only good movies, any means, without the limitations of space and time.
Globalization acts to multiply the power of extraordinary individuals who may act in person on the world stage without the mediation or the limitation of a state with a force infinitely greater than in the past, even to the point that recently a technologically advanced nation can take months to close a hole dug to a depth of 3 km in the ocean or men bring to the surface a few hundred meters, while an individual is entitled, on your living room or cave where he lives, provided that there is connection, drop on a a satellite city that revolves in orbit around the Earth for tens of kilometers.
To all those who, reading the above, exaggeration to consider this last point, I offer this simple thought: selected in networking, including blogs and community of your choice, a very angry individual and possesses the typical characteristics of ' opinion leaders, while not known to the general public traditional media; dotatelo extraordinary financial resources that enable them to dedicate himself fully to his cause without the daily concerns of survival and the ability to provide more advanced technological means, and have produced a new Bin Laden.
And even if this evidence before you will feel that in any event, as super-powerful , An individual can not be a pole for balance between the world powers, I invite you to reflect on the fact that since 2001 the largest world power, if not economic, certainly the military is fighting in Afghanistan the only war in human history see that face each other head-a superpower and a super-powerful individual which Bin Laden.
In conclusion, to understand and interpret the global world in which we live, we must always consider that the balance in the system, alongside the super-powers (economic and military) are the super-markets and individuals super-powerful, beautiful people or very angry, and that all these three elements act and interact with each other to the point of mutually dependent. - fine.
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania.
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