The following lines are not suitable for an audience of children because the Act could see us naked, stripped of our deceptions and perversions of our glittering.
Pier Paolo Pasolini sued first in Italy, in an article in the Corriere della Sera on December 9, 1973, the mutation that would lead to totalitarianism in the Italian company's new power of television, in a moment dominated the pompous and politically correct monopoly of RAI-TV public and private television was only in its infancy. time Pasolini's alarm was dismissed as excessive, pessimistic, and anti-modernist ideology. But today it appears to re-read what it was: a prophetic identification of bearing the neo-civilization of the Italian company pursued in the eighties by the Berlusconi TV.
Pasolini argued, logging, the dangers associated with the new all-encompassing power of television, he called new fascism, the power " more violent and totalitarian that there was ever " as " it changes the nature of the people , enters the deeper of conscience. "
Mussolini's Fascism " proposed a model reactionary and monumental but remained a dead letter. The various particular cultures (peasant underclass, working class) continued unperturbed to conform to their ancient models: the repression was limited to obtaining their support in words. "
Television, clearly not intended as" technical means, but as an instrument of power and power itself "is not simply to transmit messages, but is itself" a central computer messages. It 's the place where concrete is a mentality that would not otherwise would have nowhere to place. E 'by the spirit of the television which is manifested in practice the spirit of the new power. "
The authority and the repression of television is much higher than that achieved by the media of the fascist era," the newspaper and fascist slogans written on the farms of Mussolini laughable. "
If fascism did not succeed with all the propaganda put in place even scratch " the soul of the Italian people " television " has not only tarnished but has torn, broken , ugly forever. "
The result is there for all to see. Millions of Italians, whatever their age or social class, how do you play on TV, eat like the television says, wants to spend as TV, dress like they saw on TV, they think according to the TV, discussing what he believes TV They cry when mourning the TV, laugh when he laughs the TV, dreaming of watching TV, talking on TV about how to whoop it up like they see on television do, they are sad or happy depending on how it is TV, and their ultimate goal is to appear on TV. For millions of Italians, whatever their age or social class, the television stars are "friends " are "people of the house ", people who are part of everyday life and as such they are loved, admired, listened to, imitated. Everything is TV and what is not is not TV.
Pier Paolo Pasolini was brutally murdered on the night between 1 and 2 November 1975 nell'idroscalo of Ostia and the plan was developed democratic rebirth piduista setting up a chain of private TV " coordinates in order to control public opinion media "like the one that began to develop the issuer segratese Telemilano property Berlusconi in those years.
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