old, one of the lower tones, hoping that what we put our heads in the sand to muffle most of our protests.
Their indignation, mixed with concern, goes so far as to ask, in addition to the closure of the pages via the web insult and threaten Berlusconi, the reporting of members of the judiciary.
motivation manifested by Minister Maroni can be summed up in these lines that faithfully reproduce his thought: "if it passes the notion that one can write these things with impunity, then there is the risk that someone is planning to implement them. I can not comprehend that there is someone who can express the intention to kill another person. "( Corriere della Sera )
Yet ministers Maroni and Alfano did not display the same concern about its ability to "write these things with impunity" when, in the same social network object of attention and monitoring, is celebrating the legality of torture inflicted on the clandestine probably because he knew most of the approximately 400 members of which included Senator Umberto Bossi, Renzo and his son the leader in the House of Deputies Roberto Cota for the league. Then
still possessed the ability to distinguish between the joke, even in bad taste as the threat of death of an individual, and incitement to commit a crime. The facts of weeks now spent have shown instead that the extra-knocking one day, the other illegal immigrants, the more gay men, have not remained a dead letter, but have found players and it occurred to someone to "put in place" in different cities of Italy and no one thought to complain to the judiciary 400 people who found themselves under these threats and, at least formally shared.
I am not aware of ongoing investigations by any public prosecutor about the news of crime present in these ramblings, or my understanding is that the two leading representatives of the Italian Parliament have been the subject of investigations by the competent court for office and institutional status. "
We are always forced to go back and rewrite the usual speeches.
Twelve months ago (22 October 2009) published a Micromega my contribution entitled "Threats on Facebook, two weights and two measures" ( http://temi.repubblica.it/micromega-online/minacce-su-facebook- two-weights-and-two-steps / ).
Nothing has changed! Everything has remained unchanged! Even their ugly and greedy faces.
I would have written this morning, I'll write it tomorrow, I'll rewrite it in a year. Until they are present
nothing will really change!
I carry a step for ease of reading:
" a few days, with a synchronous clock, every day we are informed of threats addressed in the form of anonymous letters and social groups constituted on the network, the Chairman of Silvio Berlusconi.
threats, perceived by perpetrators of the Premier, so sets of foreshadow, we read in the papers today, "the apology of crime" and symptomatic of the existence of a "problem culture "in this way are expressed to the Minister of Justice Hon Alfano and Minister of the Interior, Hon Maroni. Their indignation, mixed with concern, goes so far as to ask, in addition to the closure of the pages via the web insult and threaten Berlusconi, the reporting of members of the judiciary.
motivation manifested by Minister Maroni can be summed up in these lines that faithfully reproduce his thought: "if it passes the notion that one can write these things with impunity, then there is the risk that someone is planning to implement them. I can not comprehend that there is someone who can express the intention to kill another person. "( Corriere della Sera )
Yet ministers Maroni and Alfano did not display the same concern about its ability to "write these things with impunity" when, in the same social network object of attention and monitoring, is celebrating the legality of torture inflicted on the clandestine probably because he knew most of the approximately 400 members of which included Senator Umberto Bossi, Renzo and his son the leader in the House of Deputies Roberto Cota for the league. Then
still possessed the ability to distinguish between the joke, even in bad taste as the threat of death of an individual, and incitement to commit a crime. The facts of weeks now spent have shown instead that the extra-knocking one day, the other illegal immigrants, the more gay men, have not remained a dead letter, but have found players and it occurred to someone to "put in place" in different cities of Italy and no one thought to complain to the judiciary 400 people who found themselves under these threats and, at least formally shared.
I am not aware of ongoing investigations by any public prosecutor about the news of crime present in these ramblings, or my understanding is that the two leading representatives of the Italian Parliament have been the subject of investigations by the competent court for office and institutional status. "
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