is hard to believe that those Italian women are so stupid and ignorant to believe that Ruby is the dominant model and have so little self-esteem in their abilities as educators and mental faculties of their daughters, cousins, nephews and friends treated like celebrolese incapable of any critical thinking.
E ', however, doubt that the event has not been a demonstration in favor of a new women's movement, able to combine the feminist tradition in this new millennium, but an anti-government demonstrations, that antiberlusconiana.
And here you can not understand why, faced with a group of girls Bellocchio, coldly determined to pursue the easy success and wealth at any price and fast despite any moral qualms, supported and endured an environment arguably competitive and rapacious family, the women scream their slogans against Berlusconi rather than muddy against those of the ideal feminine.
neopuritane In the midst of these figures stand out against some who try to rise to the bards of a new feminine model. How can we forget the
Giovanna Melandri Briatore who participated in the celebrations in Kenya.
Or Emma Marone, now they realize antiberlusconiana, but which has become famous thanks to the transmission Friends, flagship program of Berlusconi's Mediaset.
We are shocked because Minetti was elected without having done a run in the list of blocked Formigoni and no one is scandalized because Arianna Madia has been elected to Parliament in the blocked list of Lazio, provided by porcellum, without making any mess ?
They want to examples, but it is too much to ask a minimum of congruence?
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