Vestal dear But now the dignity of women, very good custodians of traditional values \u200b\u200band priestesses of talented female superiority, do not send in all cows (maybe I write bull).
on 8 March, the occasion of your celebration, not all of us assembled herds to those restaurants, pubs, bars, dance halls, discotheques and similar propinano that the collective ritual of hackneyed male strip. Dear
custodian of feminine virtue, that the verb of Conchita recited from memory, do not let make a fool of by a male-dominated society, retrograde, consumerist and hedonistic.
Please say no to all those muscled bodies and carved flickering oil massage, buttocks waving in marble, just covered by a dental floss, and elephant trunks, barely repressed behind a few square inches of fabric.
Gather into a reading group for the last editorial comment Gad Lerner, give yourself an appointment at the theater, go to the cinema to see "boys versus girls, doing, and rightly so, of course, rooting for them, organized a limit public reading of the poems of Plath and Ada Merini.
Take a blow to the practice of stripping male pop trash.
Show that the exposed flesh, any flesh, is not culture and brutalization of society.
Date example, if you please.
The male-dominated society will thank you ....
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