Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inebrya Ice Cream Hair Colour Red

nothing new under the sun in Milan

The GIP of Milan decided to remand immediately Silvio Berlusconi for child prostitution and extortion, one wonders where is the news?
think anyone reasonably expect the opposite, it's good to be optimistic but not fools or, worse, naive.
The design is so obvious it sounds too phony.
As soon dissolve the Chamber and will go to early elections, Silvio Berlusconi is better than it appears, in this election, with a heavy burden of charges and the sword of Damocles over the head of a conviction.
crystal clear.
E 'the revival of the scheme of Tangentopoli when it took was a simple notice of a civil forum to be thrown out and receive the mark of infamy.
Today we only strengthen the dose, since a simple notice of investigation will not be enough, even if notified in the press.
Fortunately, then, not everything is going as planned and scheduled.
Yet who, now as then, calls for the jail should know, or have understood that it was Silvio Berlusconi, the biggest beneficiary of the "revolution" Clean Hands and the joyous war machine of progress.
Who today has an orgasm in learning this news should have realized by now for some time, Silvio Berlusconi because they lack strong alternatives and that a new wave of "moralizing," but I would say puritanical, risks creating a big huge black hole in the Italian political system.
A singularity that threatens to implode our country in its current fragile shared infrastructure.
A void that can not understand how it could be bridged.
not claim impunity for the Premier, if he has committed crimes is imperative that you pay.
But when the testimony of the victims of such crimes are to have been agreed to exclude all forms of violence, then the question is not only constitutionally legitimate but morally correct. Nothing new under
the sun in Milan, after the Clean Hands, Hands is now in place!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Face Happy 2 Primary Games

It takes some 'matching

honestly do not find it regrettable that many women are taken to the streets to reclaim their dignity. I
is hard to believe that those Italian women are so stupid and ignorant to believe that Ruby is the dominant model and have so little self-esteem in their abilities as educators and mental faculties of their daughters, cousins, nephews and friends treated like celebrolese incapable of any critical thinking.
E ', however, doubt that the event has not been a demonstration in favor of a new women's movement, able to combine the feminist tradition in this new millennium, but an anti-government demonstrations, that antiberlusconiana.
And here you can not understand why, faced with a group of girls Bellocchio, coldly determined to pursue the easy success and wealth at any price and fast despite any moral qualms, supported and endured an environment arguably competitive and rapacious family, the women scream their slogans against Berlusconi rather than muddy against those of the ideal feminine.
neopuritane In the midst of these figures stand out against some who try to rise to the bards of a new feminine model. How can we forget the
Giovanna Melandri Briatore who participated in the celebrations in Kenya.
Or Emma Marone, now they realize antiberlusconiana, but which has become famous thanks to the transmission Friends, flagship program of Berlusconi's Mediaset.
We are shocked because Minetti was elected without having done a run in the list of blocked Formigoni and no one is scandalized because Arianna Madia has been elected to Parliament in the blocked list of Lazio, provided by porcellum, without making any mess ?
They want to examples, but it is too much to ask a minimum of congruence?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Paint Do I Use On My Danskos

egiptyan Walk Like An ...

The fall of a regime, as enlightened or moderate, can not but be greeted positively by these parties.
Mubarack But now that he left Egypt we can not ask any questions concerning this transition phase of the Egyptian Revolution and those about the construction of this new (and delicate) democracy.
We never passionate about foreign policy, and we do not give advice or proposals, but the fact remains that it is not interesting to this wave of freedom on the other side of the Mediterranean.
What we hold is that this story of this historic change regime to be exploited for Italian affairs.
Italy is, despite all possible limits, a democratic republic and if you really want to change log Italians, they can always do it by voting for a new coalition government when the opportunity arises, which in Italy is never missing.
The celebrations of the liberation of the Egyptians should not be confused with the wishes of some self-righteous and shrill croaking that, raising his voice, trying to fill the void of politics and the emptiness of their proposals. In Egypt, the square
Mubarack forced to leave the country because he had no legitimating force of free elections in Italy, fortunately, we have this strength.
What we have are the people who know how to peacefully accept the results.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Barcelona Vs Real Madrid Free

of your dignity ...

Vestal dear But now the dignity of women, very good custodians of traditional values \u200b\u200band priestesses of talented female superiority, do not send in all cows (maybe I write bull).
on 8 March, the occasion of your celebration, not all of us assembled herds to those restaurants, pubs, bars, dance halls, discotheques and similar propinano that the collective ritual of hackneyed male strip. Dear
custodian of feminine virtue, that the verb of Conchita recited from memory, do not let make a fool of by a male-dominated society, retrograde, consumerist and hedonistic.
Please say no to all those muscled bodies and carved flickering oil massage, buttocks waving in marble, just covered by a dental floss, and elephant trunks, barely repressed behind a few square inches of fabric.
Gather into a reading group for the last editorial comment Gad Lerner, give yourself an appointment at the theater, go to the cinema to see "boys versus girls, doing, and rightly so, of course, rooting for them, organized a limit public reading of the poems of Plath and Ada Merini.
Take a blow to the practice of stripping male pop trash.
Show that the exposed flesh, any flesh, is not culture and brutalization of society.
example, if you please.
The male-dominated society will thank you ....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How High Should Tie Backs Be

deserves only our contempt!! Correspondence

I've been busy in recent months in research published these days you'll see in between the pages of the blog.
provider and forgive me for posting an interesting video.
The protagonist is given so the only feeling that deserves the contempt

Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania