answered and after centuries the indignation of the insensitivity shown dall'Addison Foscolo, absent-minded tourists and as such closer to the beautiful Latin content, Sciascia said that even the beautiful of the Italian Manzoni was able to shake the conscience of Italians who were limited to simply tear down the column, now more cause for shame for those who do not set it up for the condemned.
This sad story had simply wanted to bury it and also cited the work of Manzoni seeds remained unknown to many in our country.
E 'could this happen in the past. Unfortunately, we know that still happens today.
The woman depicted in the photo on the left is Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a mother of 42, held on charges of adultery on the basis of a confession extracted after a punishment of 99 lashes.
The mere fact that a confession obtained in this way is certainly not spontaneous but should give pause to all this violence if we add the fact that adultery would be completed after her husband was dead and then the woman was in fact a widow The death sentence imposed on the woman is tragically grotesque.
The formal charge that was charged in 2006 that of having sex with two men outside of marriage, a relationship which obviously extends well beyond the existence in life and therefore worthy of her husband, according to an Islamic court, the sentencing to death by stoning, which was condemned in 2007 confirmed, with identical mode of execution, the Supreme Court of Iran.
The death penalty imposed by stoning is in fact a torture continued until the death because the victim should be buried in such a way as to leave only the head out of the ground, making them a target to hit with sharp stones and sharp but large enough that they can impose the death immediately.
Within the institutions Iran has opened a debate on the legality of the conviction and shame that will fall all over the Islamic Republic if once a woman is stoned to death, by comparison to 2007 is still ongoing and that if he arrived at a reconsideration of the conviction obtained the remarkable result of the execution block all day. On the site
http://freesakineh.org/ thousands of signatures are added by the hour to those who launched the appeal.
http://freesakineh.org/ thousands of signatures are added by the hour to those who launched the appeal.
There are times when Berlusconi also can go to hell for a day and can do without my attention.
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, Catania
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