Thursday, July 15, 2010

De La Ghetto 2010 Haircut

. So I write.

absolutely do not intend to write an editorial to explain my personal initiative.
are not so affected by civettuosa vanity.
prefer to explain the reasons that led me to adopt an expression which dialect "u ciumi pettri pulls" to provide the name of this blog.
lexical explanation for those who does not know the Sicilian dialect, and this expression of intent to those who know less and less in use.
With the image of the river that throws boulders means a state of mind and exceptional circumstance where adversity seem to take on the powerful rush of the river that burst its banks, flooding the surrounding land with the load of stones and water that follows.
therefore often is associated with both the individual condition (they are in a state of such difficulty that even the elements of nature conspire against me), both to underline the states of unconsciousness (laugh while the river floods it with water load and debris). Wanting
presumptuously and daily flood of rocks and waters who will be pleased to accompany me in this experiment and to propose their own contributions, the blog takes its name for these reasons and functions of the river, "pulls pettri.
will be nice to laugh in the days to follow the acrobatics of the octopus Paul and his divination without distracting the eye from many other octopuses, and much more placid than the suffocating tentacles cephalopod.
I hope to meet new forms of writing and expression are able to give new vitality to tired arguments.
After all it is just an experiment. Like any business writing. Just an experiment.
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious. From Catania


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