Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Headgear Braces On

The time It does not flow

English writer Camilo José Cela Trulock was fond of repeating that "in an accident you can not get used, because more and we have the illusion that what we should be putting up the 'ultimate but then over the course of time, we begin to persuade us, and with great sadness that the worst is yet to come. " Cela
undoubtedly had a negative and pessimistic view of life in the world, nothing to do with the optimism of modern times that we propinano busts some television.
Yet this theme of misfortune that comes forward and does not give us even the illusion of knowing how to bear to find himself once more appetizer of disasters, now returns more relevant than ever.
And we love to taste these courses from a distance, that is, yesterday, to discover that the time of the breach of policy and politics is a no-time where past, present and future merge into one long moment, so that this, Augustine, seems to disappear as drawn between past and future.
In July 1989 he was appointed Minister of the Interior (now because this is the correct diction, no longer Minister of Internal Affairs, the signs of time passing) Antonio Gava, leader of the Democratic field of the current "big heart". At his inauguration the newly appointed minister as head of the secretariat of the high school philosophy professor Raffaele Lauro, current senator and share PDL Prefect, a native of Sorrento, previously distinguished himself only as an organizer of the constituency of the neo-Minister Gava.
We concentrate on the office of Prefect because, curiously, the site of the Senate, in the form with personal details and appointments, calls it "the occupation" but not more then the Single-organ State office of the Prefect, but the profession.
In October 1990 the Minister Gava, due to health problems is forced to resign but the former teacher, now a senator and prefect, Lauro is encouraged by his political sponsors make himself available to his successor, Vincenzo Scotti, who was also Campania, he sided with Democrats running the "big heart".
Gava to ensure continuity of management causes the true successor to Scott to give more power to Lauro, Chief of Cabinet of the Interior Ministry, a position that calls for constant capillary action and coordination of the Heads of Department, who are all prefects, to claim be covered by an expert in administrative disciplines, Lauro titles that did not have the time.
Scott decides to propose to the Government for appointment as a Director of the Court of Auditors, the highest body of administrative self-government of the judiciary, to provide it, once appointed administrative judge of all the necessary credentials to assume the position of Chief Cabinet.
The Council of Ministers, at its meeting on 5 December 1990 provides for the appointment arousing understandable and immediate protests by administrative judges, embodied in the veto to the appointment, because the candidate is too young and not bearing securities, issued by of the Presidential Council of the Court of Auditors.
The government, stung, decide to stop dead on this application and fully enforce its prerogative to appoint 20% of the judges of the Court of Auditors.
Then, as now would be the operating room to remember that the founding fathers wanted to leave this and other powers to the Government and the Parliament not to allow these to place in the trumpet of vacancies or to make political issues of pique with the judges, but to be able to access these high positions even legal experts and academics, of clear and established reputation, but not togas.
In any case in that the Executive made the decision without consulting the Court of Auditors, who immediately gave the former professor of philosophy at the office of the Court of Palermo of Auditors, the office responsible for reviewing decisions of the Region.
The situation at this point takes on even more tragicomic connotations because Scott did not give up and he proposed that the Council of Ministers the appointment of Prefect Lauro in order to elevate him to the same degree of prefects and off in the bud any controversy about the ability to hold the post of Cabinet Secretary.
Lauro was appointed Prefect of the demonstrations of joy of the prefects in office since the former professor, now prefect prefectural through the hierarchy, he is forced to give up his role as administrative judge, but may keep the salary of a counselor in the Court of Conti, then amounting to 8 million lire per month, ie double that received at the time by the prefects.
The obligation of equalization in the existing salaries of civil servants that are able, if one of them receives a higher return while having fewer years of seniority, the other peers have seen their salaries to "float", ie brought to the same level.
As the former Professor Lauro the youngest of all the prefects in operation at the time but at the same time the one with the highest salary, the state's monthly salaries had to adapt all the prefects of the prefect of Italy and wanted by Gava Scotti .
As you can read the unhealthy habits and vices of the bad politics does not never have a time and a particular term.

Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tooth Bud At Three Months

'could happen and we know that still happens.

Leonardo Sciascia, who wrote the introduction for a new edition of "Story of the infamous column" contains among others an anecdote Ugo Foscolo, who, in the beautiful world Gazzettino wrote as follows: "Addison in Milan saw the infamous column erected in 1630, a disgrace of a barber and a commissioner of health. [...] He saw her in 1700 and covered the inscription, which he seemed to elegant Latin, good-naturedly tells the fact, as if he had believed "
answered and after centuries the indignation of the insensitivity shown dall'Addison Foscolo, absent-minded tourists and as such closer to the beautiful Latin content, Sciascia said that even the beautiful of the Italian Manzoni was able to shake the conscience of Italians who were limited to simply tear down the column, now more cause for shame for those who do not set it up for the condemned.
This sad story had simply wanted to bury it and also cited the work of Manzoni seeds remained unknown to many in our country.
E 'could this happen in the past. Unfortunately, we know that still happens today.
The woman depicted in the photo on the left is Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a mother of 42, held on charges of adultery on the basis of a confession extracted after a punishment of 99 lashes.
The mere fact that a confession obtained in this way is certainly not spontaneous but should give pause to all this violence if we add the fact that adultery would be completed after her husband was dead and then the woman was in fact a widow The death sentence imposed on the woman is tragically grotesque.
The formal charge that was charged in 2006 that of having sex with two men outside of marriage, a relationship which obviously extends well beyond the existence in life and therefore worthy of her husband, according to an Islamic court, the sentencing to death by stoning, which was condemned in 2007 confirmed, with identical mode of execution, the Supreme Court of Iran.
The death penalty imposed by stoning is in fact a torture continued until the death because the victim should be buried in such a way as to leave only the head out of the ground, making them a target to hit with sharp stones and sharp but large enough that they can impose the death immediately.
Within the institutions Iran has opened a debate on the legality of the conviction and shame that will fall all over the Islamic Republic if once a woman is stoned to death, by comparison to 2007 is still ongoing and that if he arrived at a reconsideration of the conviction obtained the remarkable result of the execution block all day. On the site
http://freesakineh.org/ thousands of signatures are added by the hour to those who launched the appeal.
There are times when Berlusconi also can go to hell for a day and can do without my attention.
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, Catania

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dental Volunteering Post

he sings and plays it alone if I

tonight in Milan will be awarded the "Greater Milan" for the following reasons: "statesman of rare ability that leads to responsibility and clear awareness of the country towards a future of free men and women who make up a cohesive society based on love, tolerance and respect for life. "

You are wrong, or you readers! If you thought that this award was intended to Mandela who spent 67 years of his life in defense of the rights of his fellow projecting an entire country to overcome the racial divisions and sexist, you are sadly mistaken.

The prize will be awarded by the President of the Province of Milan, Guido Podestà (mayor? Words you say ... judging by the employee lackeys rather mellifluous reasoning ...) share PDL, Berlusconi and Don Verzè inevitable, the defrocked priest-, puzzled by the Curia of Milan in August 1964 with the "prohibition to exercise the sacred ministry."

Ironically the prize is a sculpture but this time he will not simply handed over to Berlusconi will launch no race to launch the intent of Berlusconi and his mayor will be a sort of reconciliation between Berlusconi and the city of Milan.

Meanwhile, for any event, he brings Don Verzè, so that, when there are accidents and injuries, did not cease to be the loving care and visits to the body and the ' soul that he will always repay on time.

And the rest of the virtues of Berlusconi, as well as mirrored Christianity and faith in the Lord, there is certainly also the undying gratitude to the associates and cronies. We are confident that, as in the past, so in the future will not fail to make a gift of personal gratitude to Don Verzè.

The combination of the two friends was born at a time when Berlusconi, through "his" Edilnord sas, contracted out the construction of 2 and newborn clinical Milan San Raffaele.

Segrate The area where the new town was built at the time, we are at the end of the sixties, fell in the flight plans of airplanes taking off and landing at Linate. Then all was such that except for housing and medical care and hospitalization for patients.

But the presence of clinical Berlusconi was extremely convenient to describe the area under construction and to use it, along with the good offices of Don Verzè in the secretariats of the Roman DC, as a crowbar to get the movement of air routes, clearly to the detriment of other areas, previously built but had the wrong not to have arisen "out of his hands."

As you would imagine, despite a decade of various causes in court (and a conviction for incitement to corruption and illegal housing without a license and imposed the defrocked priest) at the end of the check and the two associates only with the investigations judicial "Clean Hands" some sentencing Came to the corrupt. As for corrupting ... ... were miraculously healed.

Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania

Thursday, July 15, 2010

De La Ghetto 2010 Haircut

. So I write.

absolutely do not intend to write an editorial to explain my personal initiative.
are not so affected by civettuosa vanity.
prefer to explain the reasons that led me to adopt an expression which dialect "u ciumi pettri pulls" to provide the name of this blog.
lexical explanation for those who does not know the Sicilian dialect, and this expression of intent to those who know less and less in use.
With the image of the river that throws boulders means a state of mind and exceptional circumstance where adversity seem to take on the powerful rush of the river that burst its banks, flooding the surrounding land with the load of stones and water that follows.
therefore often is associated with both the individual condition (they are in a state of such difficulty that even the elements of nature conspire against me), both to underline the states of unconsciousness (laugh while the river floods it with water load and debris). Wanting
presumptuously and daily flood of rocks and waters who will be pleased to accompany me in this experiment and to propose their own contributions, the blog takes its name for these reasons and functions of the river, "pulls pettri.
will be nice to laugh in the days to follow the acrobatics of the octopus Paul and his divination without distracting the eye from many other octopuses, and much more placid than the suffocating tentacles cephalopod.
I hope to meet new forms of writing and expression are able to give new vitality to tired arguments.
After all it is just an experiment. Like any business writing. Just an experiment.
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious. From Catania

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Best Brazilian Wax Montreal

die without the knowledge of their employers

If we had not done before a tragedy it would be extremely ironic sarcastically: "Assuming without their knowledge. Above all dead, while at work, without their knowledge."
happens to Milazzo where a young man of 20 years, Richard Spadaro, a native of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, was found dead in the engine room of the pool of "Silvanetta Palace Hotel" in the center Mamertine.
The boy, according to submissions by the parents of the victim, worked for over a month old black handyman in the hotel. The
Spataro was, according to investigators, in the engine room of the hotel pool when, for reasons to be determined, would remain locked.
The owners, however, that they do not know the victim.
In time of the acts for the benefit of the next without his knowledge it happens that you die without the knowledge of their employers, who were also unaware of or have you got taken to their dependencies.
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania