Personally I am a "if the search."
voluntarily Using this expression recently, delivered by one of our old (In the full sense of the term and exhaustive) knowledge of Rome, to define the sacrifice of a servant of the state.
But now lay in a calendar full of heroes, mobsters, piduisti persecuted, who corrupt the martyrs, a place, one day they will get to Giulio Romano.
I, as anticipated in the incipit, seeking news, commentary and returns to the world that gives me to receive enriched by the comments of those who gratifies me reading them.
E ' therefore undeniable that, "seek", where "circles".
Among the news in recent days, I came across a note of the news agency reported that the control of the British police carried out to Mario Balotelli, stopped driving a car and found by officers with a few thousand euro in cash.
omit the haughty reply of the boy (" 'm rich and I can afford ") will have the opportunity and time to find if these ridiculous allegations. I focus instead on the episode itself seems to me curious and marks the time: the need to justify possession of the money held in your pocket.
curious because at the beginning of the unification of Italy were the British to blame and to point out to the public opinion of the time as a police regime.
Count Cavour at a meeting in Turin on the circle of nobles boasted of respect for liberal principles that distinguished the police in Piedmont Savoy to the point of not being and respect for freedom individual, less than the English.
Tell a chronicle of the time among the guests there was a young British reporter that turning to the Count of Cavour said: "Mr Prime Minister, to cut short the academic discussions make a bet: the first night without violating any law I will be imprisoned. "
Knowing his taste for the challenge of the English and not wanting to be rude, Cavour agreed, almost to" honor to sign ".
The chronicle continues: "The young Englishman, came out there, you trick admirably by rogue, then, in the evening, was reduced in a tavern to hang around the Piazza Italy where people of ill repute. He drank dramatically, then, when he seemed to be quite drunk, took out to pay for a package containing some one thousand tickets. That was enough! He was spotted, denounced, grappled. When he was in jail, sent the letter two lines of its contradictory: Mr. Earl in prison without doing anything, come and rescue me. "
The British Victorians were amazed then the possibility that, in Liberal, you could be arrested without reason.
and was amazed at the fact that even today in our country, after a century and a half, you can ask questions on Bass Sultan to investigate the source of its economic fortunes.
But that was the nineteenth century, other times, dark times, different from our oxygen from the zephyrs of democracy and justice and equality of all citizens before the law.
Joseph D'Urso, a teacher very precarious, from Catania
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