pointless to deny that the reasons he gave me a gesture of friendship, however sincere and spontaneous. Spontaneous because not required, but I wanted that job.
Moreover, in a century that claims to be the worst any of us will take me perhaps ascribe blame to render homage to a gentle good writing and advise a good read?
Good advice is to read the book "What a fool ants" written by Cynthia Di Mauro, Catania teacher who has been working for many years in a difficult reality to which Librino. Or escape from the reality we live or condemning.
Cinzia Di Mauro instead managed to give shape to feelings and soul to those that convulsed the city in its chaotic and frenetic development has wanted to hunt, as far as their own, rejecting unwanted as children.
not content to be master of its own style, Cinzia Di Mauro has done so, Leopardi, his style, made of different styles, always, to become master of things.
maybe I am the person least suited to do reviews because, as the drunks get drunk with wine, I am well-read m'ubriaco.
pointing you to follow the link to access the piece in the Journal of Sicily and the blog of Cynthia Di Mauro, www.altrenugae.blogspot.com
Giuseppe D'Urso, a teacher very precarious from Catania
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