This site was created by the hand of some young Lucan tired of injections moralistic and conforming to come (especially in state schools ...) by all parties and to which no one is opposed to morality.
Tired of seeing their ideas humiliated and scorned, with no chance to reply, have created this site "illegal" now sees the light in the 'only place where you can admit there is some freedom (even though I think for a little while longer), or the web.
The battle is fought in the name of the fundamental right of every person, the right to free, prior theoretical rights to life, safety, property and the rights of secession and discrimination, a right so fundamental to which is and should be ready to fight, because without freedom there is no life.
Just give a glance of the history of humanity to see that the problem of the usurpation of freedom comes with the state. That being that now hold individuals throughout the world and has taken this size because they came to imagine society as a single thinking being and not as a collection of individuals each with his perpetual restriction on factual knowledge.
So it was above this total disaffection towards the State to encourage them to undertake this difficult challenge, extremely difficult, but that certainly will not prevent them from continuing to support their right to freedom, a right not only to them, a right for all.
We want to bring to the attention of all taboo, a topic for fear ruling will always try to avoid, a subject considered heresy by most, the secession of Lucania.
It will be said at once that idea is loony, which is crazy and that you can not dissolve Italy. The nationalist sentiments prevail easily stressing the dissolution of Italy. The reality is that we do not want the dissolution of Italy but the Italian State, the State robber, tyrant, oppressor of the most fundamental individual freedoms.
Today we are experiencing a period of history marked by the process called globalization. Contrary to the claims of the clichés this is not an evil process, through which "the rich are getting richer and the poor get poorer," but instead is what allows you to bring the richness where there is not, of bring new technologies in the developing world and makes them available to those who can afford if not, to communicate from anywhere in the world in every corner of the world, to feel closer to the countries Western free the disasters, hunger, death that afflicted the poor countries and oppressed by the ideology of statist and welfarist.
Contrary to commonly held market globalization and communications do not go hand in hand with the globalization of politics, but rather involves a hypersensitivity to the particular realities and local, which is at odds with the processes of unification and devolution of powers to the top being made to the detriment of citizens and their freedom.
Alberto Mingardi has written "a suitable political environment the world of globalization, it also presents a number of different administrative entities, whose size is very small and the large number which [..] would create a real "market policy" [..]. Individuals would be to reward this or that system of rules and regulations, given the limited cost of "migrate" from one reality to another. "
why we strongly support the initiation of a new period of "fragmented sovereignty" in which the center there is the individual with his natural freedom. Only the introduction of competition policy may be avoided by this extension of the state like wildfire in people's lives. Which is also why we strongly support all those movements and associations all over the world have as fine a state of liberation from oppression and the return of sovereignty to individuals.